



Dosha : Vata

Ether || Wind

Qualities of Vata Dosha:
Cold: Vata is inherently cold and tends to cool down bodily functions and bodily tissues.
Dry: It is dry in nature, which means it can lead to dryness in the skin, hair, and mucous membranes.
Light: Vata is light, making individuals with a dominant Vata constitution often have a slim build.
Mobile: Vata's mobility gives it the quality of constant motion and change.
It governs all forms of movement in the body, such as circulation,
breathing, and muscle contractions.
Rough: Vata can create roughness, contributing to dry skin, hair, and nails.

Dosha : Pitta

Fire || Water

Qualities of Pitta Dosha:
Hot: Pitta is inherently hot and has a warming effect on the body.
Sharp: It is sharp and intense, governing processes that involve
transformation and digestion.
Light: Pitta is light, which often corresponds to a medium build in
individuals with a dominant Pitta constitution.
Oily: It has an oily quality, contributing to the production of bodily
fluids like bile and digestive juices.
Liquid: Pitta is also liquid, which helps with its role in digestion and metabolism.

Dosha : Kapha

Earth || Water

Qualities of Kapha Dosha:
Heavy: Kapha is inherently heavy and solid, which contributes to a sturdy and
grounded physical constitution.
Cold: It is cold, meaning it has a cooling and calming effect on the body.
Moist: Kapha is moist and provides lubrication to various bodily tissues and systems.
Slow: Kapha is slow-moving, both in terms of physical activity and digestion.
Soft: It has a soft quality and contributes to the smoothness of the skin and
other bodily surfaces.


Information on this site is provided for informational purpose and is not meant to substitue the advice by physician or any other medical supervisor.